
St Eugene de Mazenod

Catholic Primary School

'Go shine in the world.'

Learning how to keep safe

At St Eugene's, we prepare pupils to keep themselves safe by educating them to understand risks and make good choices. Our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education curriculum includes a weekly lesson taught for each class; visits and visitors on a range of topics; specific circle times in reponse to issues; assemblies; our staff interations with pupils everyday. Pupils at St Eugene's have visits from the Community Police, Fire Brigade, the NSPCC and Road Safety officers. We have worked with charities to provide workshops on knife crime, hate crime and anti-radicalisation. Our curriculum supports pupils to make choices to live safe and healthy lives; stay safe; develop resilience and self-confidence; respect each other and make a positive contribution. Pupils learn about online safety, personal safety, road safety, fire safety, first aid and how to make good choices in their everyday lives. 
