We want our children to gain knowledge and information, explore attitudes and values and develop skills to help them live healthy, safe, fulfilling and responsible lives.Our PSHE and Citizenship scheme of work aims to help our children:
- Understand and respect the British Values that make up our modern democracy
- Prepare to play an active role as citizens
- Develop healthy, safe lifestyles
- Understand and manage their emotions
- Make and maintain effective relationships
- Value and respect themselves and others
- Get on with one another and not bully others
- Respect equality and diversity and be sensitive to the needs of others
- Appreciate the range of religious and ethnic identifies in the UK
- Contribute to the school and local community
- Be responsible for their behaviour and learning
- Feel confident about themselves and their abilities and be positive about learning
- Deal with problems positively and know where to get help
- Be resilient and able to resist pressure
- Be assertive and keep themselves safe
- Take responsibility for themselves and the environment around them
- Know the importance of managing money
- Develop enterprising skills
- Understand the importance of rights and responsibilities
Relationship and Sex Education We aim to prepare children to grow up as responsible and well informed adults. Our programme of personal, social and health education (PSHE) includes relationship and sex education. We take much care to match the teaching to the age and maturity of pupils. We teach older children about human reproduction during science lessons and about the emotional side of growing up through the PHSE curriculum. Our teaching and policy plans are available to parents upon request and are available on our website. Although you have the right to withdraw your child from the curriculum covering relationships we ask you first to speak to the Headteacher about your intentions.