Children attend school for 32.5 hours per week
The children arrive at school from 8.40 am
Lessons start at 9.00 am
Lessons end at 3.30 pm
Start of the Day…
Children from all classes go straight to their class on arrival at school from 8.40 am
The school playground and school gates are supervised from 8.40am
Registration is at 9.00am - children must be in class by 9.00am
End of the day…
Parents and carers collect their children from the playground at 3.30pm
Reception children's parents and carers collect their children from the Reception playground at 3.30pm
at 3.30 pm.
Before and After School...
Please see the section on Before and After school childcare for working parents and the section on After School Enrichment Clubs under Parent Information on the website for further information.